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Assistance with Permit Compliance

Photo by Till Westermayer

Why EcoLogix Group was engaged:

An existing marine terminal client requested assistance in preparing the required documentation for the new permit, including help determining the most cost-effective way to meet the restoration requirement of the permit. Under federal direction, states in a particular watershed are required to reduce nutrient runoff into state waters. The state environmental agency updated its general permit for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activities to include requirements to treat or restore a portion of impervious surface using approved on-site or off-site best management practices (BMP).

How EcoLogix Group Responded:

A challenging issue for many industrial port marine terminal facilities is that almost all impervious surface areas are reserved for temporary storage of cargo. After assessing various options, including offsite locations, EcoLogix Group recommended an allowable alternative BMP, storm drain vacuuming, that achieved the restoration requirements while being affordable. EcoLogix Group is adept at finding workable solutions for permit holders to meet the restoration requirements by employing new technologies in partnership with environmental and other stakeholders.


The client was able to cost effectively comply with the regulatory requirements without losing cargo storage space.


Dan Spack Array
Contracts Management & Environmental Compliance Expert