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United States Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Budget Formulation, Execution, and Timing

Photo by Amanda Walker

Why EcoLogix Group was engaged:

A seaport client requested on call services to provide staff support in staying abreast of and influencing activities associated with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Civil Works budget formulation relevant to the port’s priorities.

How EcoLogix Group Responded:

EcoLogix Group compared and interpreted evolving House and Senate Appropriations report language so the client could understand the potential for Federal funding in the budget cycle, and to provide the port with an opportunity to affect legislative action that favors funding for their projects. EcoLogix Group also conducted a comparison of  “House vs Senate” section-by-section of Energy and Water Development Committee appropriations report language, culling out important sections for comparison most important to client’s navigation program interests. EcoLogix Group also provided national comparison of sections with national import and of strategic interest to the client. EcoLogix Group developed written justification to support continued funding of a critical dredged material placement project. This justification, which was based on an understanding of Corps policy and budgeting practices, was incorporated in meeting preparation materials and presentations used by client for meetings with USACE Headquarters (HQUSACE), Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (ASA CW), Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and congressional members to secure project funding. Lastly, EcoLogix Group provided an evaluation of newly issued USACE budget preparation guidance which is issued by HQUSACE to USACE field Districts. This evaluation was intended to provide insights on how and when the client might input into the USACE budget development process and favorably influence the client’s studies and projects.


The client was able to effectively engage with appropriate levels of USACE in a timely and effective way and received necessary funding for the port’s priority navigation projects.


Robert Pace Array
Corps of Engineers Navigation & Water Resources Planning Expert