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Navigation Program Support – Study and Project Authorization and Execution

Photo by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Why EcoLogix Group was engaged:

U.S. seaports are faced with increasing competition for limited federal funds to implement navigation improvement projects critical to growth and competitiveness. Faced with this challenge and needing a comprehensive strategy, a seaport agency requested that EcoLogix Group evaluate the use of innovative federal authorities to undertake studies, design, and construction of United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) navigation improvement projects. These authorities allow for increased non-federal financial participation in project development and have significant potential to expedite project implementation. The new authorities address Studies prepared by non-federal interests that lead to project authorization under Section 203 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) 1986, as amended, and Project Design and Construction undertaken by non-federal interests under Section 204 of WRDA 1986, as amended.

How EcoLogix Group Responded:

EcoLogix Group gathered information regarding the experiences, challenges, and approaches of other U.S. seaports in advancing navigation project development efforts using Section 203 and Section 204 authorities. The resulting analysis explored challenges ports face in scoping technical tasks, determining allowable non-Federal versus Federal levels of participation in project tasks, application of pertinent USACE Civil Works policies and the requirements for regulatory compliance, project approval and processing, and interagency coordination. The information was compiled in a report with recommendations and provided to the client.


The client now has an analysis of real-world applications to serve as an important benchmark in guiding its future navigation project development efforts with USACE.


Robert Pace Array
Corps of Engineers Navigation & Water Resources Planning Expert