Interpretation and Application of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA)

Why EcoLogix Group was engaged:
A seaport client required assistance in quickly understanding which sections of America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 were of importance, and their implications for the port.
How EcoLogix Group Responded:
EcoLogix Group analyzed relevant sections of America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 for a port client. The analysis included synopsis of each provision relevant to the port’s existing and emerging interests and a discussion of the implication of each on future port actions and decisions.
EcoLogix Group represented the client’s interest on a Congressional Roundtable policy discussion (web-based) regarding “America’s Water Resources Infrastructure: Concepts for the Next Water Resources Development Act” and provided summary review of results with implications for client.
Client was able to appropriately brief organizational policy makers and state elected officials on issues of importance.