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Interpretation and Application of Unites States Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Policies and Programs

Photo by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Why EcoLogix Group was engaged:

A seaport client requested on call assistance helping port staff address various matters relating to Civil Works policies and programs.

How EcoLogix Group Responded:

EcoLogix Group performed a variety of on-call services as follows:

  1. Reviewed and documented USACE policies on aquatic ecosystem restoration including cost-sharing to determine changes over time and the implications for client strategic planning.
  2. Supported client’s understanding of various types of USACE planning studies and related project planning documents including challenges in preparation, approval, technical requirements, institutional barriers, approval sequences and timelines.
  3. Advice on the following document types have included:
    • Cost-shared Feasibility Studies (3x3x3)
    • Non-Cost Shared Studies and Project Designs (Section 203 and Section 204) with Long-Term Federal Maintenance)
    • Policy Guidance Letters
    • Engineering Regulations and Circulars
    • Memoranda of Agreement
    • Feasibility Cost-Sharing Agreements
    • Planning Implementation Guidance (Water Resources Development Act [WRDA] field guidance)
    • Chief of Engineers Reports
    • Post-authorization Studies (i.e., Limited Reevaluation Reports, General Reevaluation Reports, Design Documentation Reports, Validation Reports)
    • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Documents (Environmental Impact Statements [EIS], Supplemental EISs, and Environmental Assessments)
    • Dredged Material Management Plans
  4. Reviewed Corps cost-sharing policies and requirements for federal navigation projects (investigation, design and construction, operations and maintenance) so that clients can understand future financial requirements and incorporate it in their capital planning.
  5. Provided review of Comprehensive Planning Document prepared by local Corps District for regional environmental restoration. Synopsized relevant report sections for the client related to opportunities for use of dredged material and provided documentation of client’s environmental achievements for inclusion in the Plan. Provided strategic recommendations to client on how to best use the Corps Comprehensive Plan recommendations and findings to support its dredging and placement needs.
  6. Participated in American Association of Port Authorities Harbors and Navigation Committee webinars and on-line meetings on behalf of client on issues of tactical and strategic significance. Provided client with synopsis of webinar, implications and recommendations for client, and written positions for client to AAPA.


The client was better informed to make prudent project planning and financial decisions in its partnerships with USACE.


Robert Pace Array
Corps of Engineers Navigation & Water Resources Planning Expert