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Implementation of a Commute Alternatives Program

Photo by Elvert Barnes

Why EcoLogix Group was engaged:

In an effort to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, a county transit agency is participating in a major regional metropolitan organization’s initiative to promote commute alternatives such as ridesharing, van pooling, compressed work weeks, biking to work, and teleworking. The county transit agency responsible for enlisting local employers into the program needed assistance with direct outreach to provide the employers with information on commute options, responding to their concerns, highlighting the option(s) that best suits their and their employees’ needs, documenting activities and tracking progress. Given the time and expertise these activities require, EcoLogix Group was engaged to lead the effort.

How EcoLogix Group Responded:

EcoLogix Group has built close relationships with many employers in the county to educate them on the tangible benefits of alternative commuting programs, has developed informational materials and webinars relating to telework, and has been successful in significantly increasing the number of employers implementing new programs and/or enhancing their existing efforts. The work has been effective because we listened to employers’ specific needs and helped them understand and customize programs that would work for their employees.


Fewer cars on the road during peak traffic hours, reduced mobile source emissions, a happier/healthier employee base, and an increased bottom line for employers.


Bob Hoyt Array
Highly Successful Consensus Builder & Relationship Artist