Diesel Emissions Reduction Programs

Why EcoLogix Group was engaged:
Several seaport clients required assistance addressing the air quality impacts of goods movement related to containerized cargo. EcoLogix Group was engaged to provide a range of services ranging from writing grant applications to turn key implementation of diesel emission reduction programs.
How EcoLogix Group Responded:
EcoLogix Group has helped these seaport clients obtain more than $30 million in grant funding for diesel emission reduction activities. EcoLogix Group led grant development efforts, and when funding was received designed and assisted in the implementation of a comprehensive program that applies new diesel emission reduction technologies to harbor craft, on-dock cargo handling equipment, and drayage trucks. In another port, EcoLogix Group assisted with a successful grant application, and designed a drayage truck replacement program, providing all program materials and detailed procedural support. Additionally , EcoLogix Group provides turn-key administration of an existing diesel emission reduction program.
Clients obtained support and had a strong resource to assist with a variety of implementation needs. Each of these clients continues to be a leader in diesel emission reduction programs while growing their container cargo business.