Analysis of America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (AWIA)
Why EcoLogix Group was engaged:
A seaport client understands that many policy-driven sections of America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (AWIA) and previous Water Resource Development Acts, will have important implications for how it plans, implements, and invests in federal navigation projects in the future. Our client requested a detailed review of AWIA of 2018 to provide an evaluation of sections most relevant to its existing and future projects, and to inform future planning and execution of its harbors and navigation program.
How EcoLogix Group Responded:
EcoLogix Group conducted a section-by-section review of the AWIA 2018 and identified those considered to be of “High and/or Emerging Importance” to the client, as well as other relevant sections of general policy interest that could influence future navigation program decisions. Using an easy-to-understand tabular display, EcoLogix Group synopsized each relevant section, identified their implications for specific client projects, and provided important insights informed by direct knowledge of the Corps. These included implications for client projects with respect to project authorization timelines, cost-sharing, use of advanced funding, and pilot project planning.
The client is now in an improved position to prepare and provide carefully crafted input to the development of Corps AWIA Implementation Guidance under new public review procedures required by Congress. Such informed input may favorably influence AWIA’s interpretation and application to best serve the client’s specific navigation program needs.